Saturday, September 8, 2012

A little update!

I'm not sure that anyone actually reads this... but either way, it's been a long time since I've updated - at least three months to be exact. My last post talked about me getting engaged, and at that point I was still quite shaken and processing how it even happened! These things happen so fast, after all.

Since we last spoke, I've been wedding planning and going through the stresses a girl takes on when she levels up to "Fiancee" status. Despite not living with my fiance, I've taken on a wife-like persona and seem to be keeping my man in check, wedding budget wise. We don't spend a lot on anything... but at the same time, spend a lot on everything? I don't know. It's very complicated.

Besides engaged bliss(?), things seem to be going well... bliss isn't quite the word I'd use to describe being engaged, actually. It's more of a strange high you get, sort of like... feeling important all the time, even though it isn't all that big of a deal. Mostly, I'm really excited and I get butterflies every so often. I'm happy, but it can be sort of hard to enjoy when you look at the big numbers involved with planning a wedding.

No, really... I'm ecstatic!

In other news, the Mugi baby is doing well. She's earned a new title upgrade (like myself), only she has gone from being the "cute" kitten to being the "paranoid" cat. Yes, she's very paranoid. 

 As you can see by the pictures on the left, she's displayed a new expression that ranges from "I'm smelling something strange" to "Oh for the love of... here come the ghosts!"

I'm not quite sure what she's thinking when this happens, but she most commonly makes this face when she hears suspicious scratching sounds made from nails against carpet, fabric or, inflatable furniture. She's been a great, annoying, lovable, fuzzball so far. Mugi has not made any comments on me getting married, I don't think she realizes just yet that this involves her moving to a very far away land, into a new castle, and acquiring a new brother - his name is George. Fiance is convinced that she will prove to be a challenge for his rather large, ball of orange and white fluff.

I guess we'll see about that! 

Other than these things, nothing amazing has happened. I am still quite the homebody, doing art and watching TV... sending off my computer for repairs. This should be a very... uneventful week.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Late Announcement!

I haven't wrote anything in a little while and this took a little bit to think of... I wasn't sure if I'd post about it or not!

My Engagement Ring!
The other day, July 6th, 2012, I was proposed to by the best boyfriend ever! It was such a simple, casual proposal and I'll never forget it! 

I've never stated this on my blog before now, but I am a sucker for proposal stories. When I got engaged, I was sitting on one of the kitchen counters and I admit, crying a little over the fact that my (now fiance) was getting ready to go back to his home state. I spent the whole week asking him a lot of silly questions, because I am a girl who asks a lot.

On Friday, he said he had to ask me one more thing, my mind refuses to back track further to what we were talking about before he asked and from there, it happened so quickly that it was a blur. I don't think I hugged him nearly enough and once he comes back, I will make up for it with more hugs.

I don't have much else to write except that we both wrote journals on DeviantART and are probably going to keep getting comments for a little while!



Monday, July 2, 2012

Mugi Won't Allow Sleep

I know I have been gone for what feels like forever but I swear, I had nothing to write. Okay, so I had a couple of different ideas for this blog but nothing seemed worthy of the page so I just kept to myself for a bit and now that I have stories to tell I think I will just upload them... either in one sitting as I have nothing else to do at the moment, or just in separate days if I should still have nothing to do.

I'm going to get to those other stories later but let's start with this one. About four years ago, I met a guy online who is now my boyfriend of six months. Well, he got me Mugi and has officially come to live in the apartment he has been paying for so he's in town. Needless to say, I never met him in person before and I'm learning to love everything about him face to face that I love about him over webcam. Anyway, he went to sleep long before I did last night and I had nothing to do but play Diablo 3 and just sit around until I finally got sleepy.

Now, before I continue I should say I had a habit of keeping the fluffy ball of energy, in the room boyfriend is occupying, which means Mugi was my sleeping partner last night.

This didn't go well. She slept up until I decided that I was ready to sleep and then it was time to fly around the house, crashing into things and being an idiot. Normally I wouldn't really mind the noise but since I'm not sure of my man's sleeping habits, I was a little edgier with her than normal. I was literally up every hour of the night, it didn't take any moving from her to wake me and I'm certain the deflating of my air mattress is contributing to my lack of sleep.

I can't stand a floppy feeling air mattress.

I paused in the middle of writing this to look up Japanese futon mattresses. Anything would be better than this horrible air mattress. Boyfriend is sleeping on something that looks less comfortable than this but he's not complaining so... I guess he's fine!

But back to my cat... and how I hate her and love her. After keeping me up all hours of the night, scratching my favorite pillows, and just being a pain, she has crashed next to me and this is after slicing through my hand when I tried to stop her from scratching everything. She's sleeping... now that I'm not trying to sleep anymore.

I don't even.

Again, since I'm not sure how deep a sleeper he is, it's not like I can just watch TV... then again, I could watch stuff on my iPhone, headphones and such or do the same with my laptop I suppose. 

Why would I want to do that when I can browse through five thousand different channels? 

Yeah, watching stuff online sounds much more preferable. I have given up sleeping... just three, or almost two, more hours until he gets up and I won't feel so crazy anymore.

To all the sleeping readers, enjoy that sweet luxury.

Saturday, June 16, 2012


 It wasn't too long ago that I wrote about Mugi and her chewing habit. Well, she's a little bit crazier than all that and I thought I'd update tonight (again, it's two AM and I didn't want to not update) with a story of her silliness. My younger sister, we're five years apart, showed up for a weekend visit earlier this afternoon and normally these visits aren't too stressful and this one, well, it's only stressful at the beginning when my toddler half-sister is here. She's notorious for picking up my cat in the strangest fashions and today was no exception. I wasn't surprised when she walked into the room carrying Mugi upside down, cat butt up in her face. 

Unfortunately, this story isn't about cat butts and toddlers carrying cat's the wrong way. It is, however, about much greater things that are entertaining and hilarious. 

My sister, once she's here and it's just the two of us, sets up her computer in the corner of the room next to the kitchen where she spends most of her time when we aren't out checking the mail, watching movies or whatever there is to do in this apartment. Mostly, we send pictures of memes or trolling things back and forth until it's time to go to bed while watching TV. Tonight consisted of the same things as well as marathons of Say Yes to the Dress, Hey Arnold, Rugrats and a dash of Psych to finish off our beautiful cake of TV shows. 

At that moment in time, we had Mugi out and she was harassing my sister, Ashley is about ten times more interesting in the corner than I am on the bed in the other far corner. Mugi's favorite hangouts are either, on my bed (not when Ashley is here), behind the fridge or in the corner where Ashley is occupied for the remainder of the long weekend ahead of us. In Mugi's mind, Ashley is the most entertaining toy I could bestow upon her, it moves, screams OHMYGAH and turns the vacuum on and off which also gets Mugi going. So long as the little ball of fluff isn't harassing me, I'm happy. All of this is just amazing to a kitten who otherwise doesn't have any friends at the moment.

Things are hilarious when this happens. Before my boyfriend got on skype with me, things were crazy and entertaining. Mugi, so long as she wasn't chewing on anything, was fun to watch as she flew around the room and tiptoed with her back arched and fur on her tail, frayed. Trust me, if I had pictures, I would post them but this is what she looked like. 

Yeah, and she tiptoed around the room or would tiptoe and then jump and fly away into the kitchen, harassing an innocent walmart bag in her wake of, I don't know if it can be considered fear, but I think it was somewhere between fear and pure hyperactivity. My sister, like the walmart bag, was a target for this hyper rampage and, like a ninja, my cat would appear out of nowhere, jump and lightly touch Ashley and then run away like a lightening bolt of fuzz on a catnip high. Ash and I could not contain our laughter as Mugi darted from one point to another and back again, this only became more hilarious when my cat magnetized herself to whatever she ran into. Like static cling, Mugi attached herself to Ashley's arm and flew backwards as if being forced away by energies that the two of us can't see. At one point I recall holding her in my hands and looking into her wide, yellow eyes and saying, "Mugi, what do your cat eyes see?!" 

I'm certain she sees ghosts or gnomes... trolls, whatever the heck cats are tormented with, she saw it and flew out of my hands again. After a trip to the kitchen I watched as she flew, like a strong magnet, to my sister and clung to her boob. I've never seen a cat grope someone before but this was the most awkward of sights. It's hard to imagine a cat flying into a person and sticking like glue, unmovable, in shock. Neither of us knew what to say and couldn't stop laughing for the next five minutes. Just like that, as quickly as she was forced towards my sister, she vanished into the kitchen again as if it never happened. I'm not sure if I should be worried about this or not, I don't think she's a pervert.

I can't tell if she's the smartest cat ever or the stupidest, but she's something and I love her anyway. Either way, my sister only has one comment to make on this story and it's that she, "Can't wait to play with her tomorrow!" 

Ashley is forgiving and unfazed by this horrifying attack.


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Loaf of Muffin

I've had quite a day, somewhat frustrating but this post isn't really about that! I didn't have it in me to make dinner tonight but I had this muffin mix that I've been putting off making for a little while. So, seeing as I needed a little indulgence tonight I decided to make it.

When I got started I already knew I didn't have a cupcake pan so I remembered that I had a cake pan I haven't used yet! So I started with the muffin mix stuff which comes like this, picture on the left.

Le Muffin Mix
So all you really have to do is add half a cup of water and then shake it vigorously for sixty seconds! My bestie on skype was listening to me count in a strange shaken voice. Must remember next time to shake the muffin mix instead of dancing around the kitchen and shaking up myself.

After all of that shaking I opened the lid and for whatever reason batter just blew out of it and miraculously missed my computer (which was next to the stove). It got on my hands and just... not really everywhere but my screams of terror were pretty funny.

After all of this excitement it was time to spread the muffin stuff in the cake pan and bake it for sixteen minutes. I wandered aimlessly chatting with my best friend until they were done.

Here is the finished product! Note, it's a blue berry loaf of muffin. 
Le Muffin Loaf

Inside of the beast

Isn't it glorious?

Coping Mechanism

I think everyone has some form of a coping mechanism right? I know I do and before I go on I guess I should explain myself.

I've been through a lot of things, really, who hasn't? Yes, I am writing at two AM, I'm sort of tired, but I want to get things off my chest so I can sleep tonight. I've gone through a couple kinds of abuse ranging from bullying to a parent abusing me emotionally, I've cried on my own time, even before I sleep or in the shower. That's normal, I guess, not to want to cry in front of anyone, but lately my way of coping has changed.

Maybe it's easier to explain this through a list;

1. Realize the problem, react by staring at a wall.

2. Lay down and begin to cry.

3. Talk it out with boyfriend or bestie.

4. While talking about it, make it a joke and laugh.

5. Resume staring at nothing.

I've found tons of ways to cope in the past four years of the hardest time in my life. I write, draw or talk and repeat myself like a broken record. Now I am coping via a blog after a long day of hearing myself say 'Hah, this is really trivial!' but I can't get myself to believe it and after a deep discussion with my best friend, I realize that it really isn't that trivial and that it means the world to me.

How many of you have tried on a wedding dress with/without your mother being there? Those of you reading this that are girls anyway... well, if you are attached to your mom and she can't be there this might make more sense. It's not that my mother said she can't... it's just that, she acts like it doesn't matter or not if she is or isn't. Maybe this wouldn't be so hurtful if I had more people around. I have a very broken family and I know for a fact that I'd be standing there alone with the only friend I have close by to give me support and compliment. I know I'll cry, probably not just for the fact that I'm standing there in white, but also the fact that my mother may not be there and if she isn't, I'll be hurt terribly. 

So there it is, I'm getting married and something isn't really going the way I want it to, however, I'm denying it. I'm pretending it's funny and that I'm okay with it even though I'm not. 

In fact, it makes me feel very lonely. So, this is how I am coping with it, by talking about it and laughing because I don't want to cry over it since I've already done that part of my list. I might cry again... who knows? Trust me when I say this, I'm not angry, I'm just trying to convince myself that it's fine... when it's not. I guess I should try to sleep since this is off my chest and I know this isn't worth reading really... but I had to type so here it is. 

Also, that spray I used for Mugi is really kind of working, she's still getting behind the TV occasionally, but I hope she'll grow out of some of these things soon... getting her soft paws this week so she'll stop scratching on things that don't need to be scratched...

Like legs and hands. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

9 Lives to Live

So today I got a box in the mail.
Wait, that's too simple isn't it? Let's start from the beginning. A couple of weeks ago I got a beautiful kitten named Mugi, she's a domestic tabby and has proved to be a bit of a pain in the butt. I love her to death but she makes me pull my hair out.

Mugi, her second day home!
Once she got used to her surroundings, she decided it was time to test some new 'toys'. Behind the TV, she spotted a good bunch of wires and decided to sink her teeth into them. This has caused me a lot of stress, I'm not really in a good place to replace Ethernet cables, chargers and whatnot so I had to come up with some sort of solution. My best friend suggested a brand of spray that makes everything bitter tasting and the boyfriend bought it right away.

Today the box came in the mail, but that's still too soon! I walked out today to check the mail and low and behold there is a little pink note telling me once again (yes, this has happened before) that the mail people 'missed me' even though I'm home twenty-four hours and seven days a week. 
Before I go on, let me tell you the logistics of my apartment complex. I'm ground level and it only takes maybe seven steps to reach the mail box. USPS refuses to walk this short distance to knock on my door instead telling me to go pick it up from the office. Okay, that's fine, I'm not a lazy person and I can trudge uphill in eighty degree weather. I've decided to leave a note on my box letting them know this, I want them to walk all the way up there next time. 

So, I walk all the way up there and pick up the package which hasn't been marked with my apartment number yet (took a while to find) and after talking to the office ladies, I leave. After coming home I examine said spray and I am really happy, I can finally break this stupid streak of my cat being an idiot and chewing wires. Careful not to get this apparently, very bitter, stuff near my mouth, I sprayed behind the TV, on all those wires and then around my lamp that she's notorious for knocking over. 

Update? So far so good I guess, she's still getting behind the TV. Currently she's flipping out with this look on her face that screams 'I have to rethink my life, time to get high on catnip'. 

So that's my life today, making sure my cat doesn't hurt herself. I'm going to keep testing this spray stuff and see what happens!